Monday, July 4, 2011

Ten Strikes You're Out

   Little Jimmy is going away for a long time. Five years to be precise. Why? He linked to a Youtube video that streamed copyrighted content. When the media companies found out about this and the fact that it had received 15 views they wanted Jimmy's head. Poor little Jimmy. He was only ten when they sent him away to prison. He's going to have a hard time there.
   Do you want this to happen to your child? Do you want this to happen to you? It might. Senator Amy Klobuchar has recently proposed a new "ten strikes" bill that adds public performance to copyright laws. Seems harmless enough right? Movies have been warning against that kind of thing for years when they say not to host public performances of the movie. Right? Right? Wrong! Public performance is defined loosely enough that Youtube could be considered public performance. If your sweet little girl decides that she wants to sing along to her favorite Glee song and post it Youtube, she might just be shoved in a jail cell for the next five years. Nice. If she's lucky she'll only be raped repeatedly and not killed. That's outrageous. The bill has not been voted on yet and you better hope that it doesn't get passed.
Demand Progress
Check out Demand Progress' extensive coverage of the new bill and make sure that you send a letter to your congress man. Otherwise you might end up in a prison for nothing more than lip-syncing to your favorite Lady Gaga song. Oh and get this, you get a longer jail cell for breaking the copyright laws then you do for molesting a child. If I had to choose a crime, I think I'd hump a kid before I posted a lip-sync. Lord knows I want to get out of prison sooner.


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